Spermatophyta: Dicotyledonae: Archichlamydeae:

Papaveraceae - Poppy family

Description of the family

Herbs or shrubs, with variously coloured latex. Stipules 0. Leaves alternate, deeply divided or lobed. Flowers actinomorphic, bisexual, usually hypogynous. Sepals 2-3, caducous. Petals 4-6, in two whorls of 2 or 3, free, falling off early. Stamens numerous. Ovary 1-locular with numerous ovules. Fruit a capsule dehiscing by valves or pores.

Worldwide: 23 genera and 230 species, mostly northern temperate.

Britain: 10 genera and 34 taxa.

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Links to genera:     View: living plant images - herbarium specimen images - all images for this family

Argemone L.Description
Chelidonium L.
Eschscholzia Cham.
Glaucium L.
Hypecoum L.
Macleaya R. Br.
Meconopsis Vig.
Papaver L.
Platystemon Benth.
Roemeria Medik.

Other sources of information about Papaveraceae:

External websites:

GRIN (Germplasm Resources Information Network) taxonomy for plants report for Papaveraceae
Google: Web - Images - Scholar

Copyright: Mark Hyde, 2008-25

Hyde, M.A. (2025). UK Flora: Family page: Papaveraceae.
https://www.ukflora.info/speciesdata/family.php?family_id=196, retrieved 15 February 2025

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