3690.000 Trifolium L. - Clovers

Description of the genus

Annual or perennial herbs. Stipules present and fused with the petiole. Leaves 3-foliolate. Flowers ± sessile in usually dense heads. Calyx teeth 5. Petals becoming dry and persistent after flowering. Upper stamen free, all or 5 of the filaments widened at the apex. Pod small, few-seeded, dehiscent or indehiscent, ± enclosed in the calyx.

Worldwide: 238 species in termperate and subtropical regions excluding Australia.

Britain: 76 taxa.

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SpeciesSpecies codeContent
affine C. Presl
albidum Retz.
alexandrinum L.
alpestre L.
angulatum Waldst. & Kit.
angustifolium L.
arvense L.
aureum Pollich
badium Schreb.
beckwithii W.H. Brewer ex S. Watson
bocconei Savi
campestre Schreb.
cernuum Brot.
cherleri L.
ciliolatum Benth.
clypeatum L.
constantinopolitanum Ser.
dasyurum C. Presl
depauperatum Desv.
diffusum Ehrh.
dubium Sibth.
echinatum M. Bieb.
fragiferum L.[Agg]
fragiferum L. subsp. bonannii (C. Presl) Soják
fragiferum L. subsp. fragiferum
fucatum Lindl.
gemellum Pourr. ex Willd.
glomeratum L.
gracilentum Torr. & A. Gray
grandiflorum Schreb.
hirtum All.
hybridum L.[Agg]
hybridum L. subsp. elegans (Savi) Asch. & Graebn.
hybridum L. subsp. hybridum
incarnatum L.[Agg]
incarnatum L. subsp. incarnatum
incarnatum L. subsp. molinerii (Balb. ex Hornem.) Ces.
isthmocarpum Brot.
lappaceum L.
leucanthum M. Bieb.
ligusticum Balb. ex Loisel.
medium L.
michelianum Savi
micranthum Viv.
microcephalum Pursh
mutabile Port.
nervulosum Boiss. & Heldr.
nigrescens Viv.
occidentale Coombe
ochroleucon Huds.
ornithopodioides L.
pallidum Waldst. & Kit.
pannonicum Jacq.
patens Schreb.
pilulare Boiss.
pratense L.
purpureum Loisel.
repens L.
resupinatum L.
retusum L.
roussaeanum Boiss.
scabrum L.
spumosum L.
squamosum L.
squarrosum L.
stellatum L.
stipulaceum Thunb.
striatum L.
strictum L.
subterraneum L.
suffocatum L.
tenuifolium Ten.
thalii Vill.
tomentosum L.
vesiculosum Savi
wormskioldii Lehm.

Other sources of information about Trifolium:

External websites:

ePIC (electronic Plant Information Center): Trifolium
Google: Web - Images - Scholar
GRIN (Germplasm Resources Information Network) taxonomy for plants report for Trifolium
IPNI (International Plant Names Index): Trifolium
Kew Herbarium catalogue: Trifolium

Copyright: Mark Hyde, 2008-24

Hyde, M.A. (2024). UK Flora: Genus page: Trifolium.
https://www.ukflora.info/speciesdata/genus.php?genus_id=488, retrieved 10 October 2024

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