UK Flora: Utilities: Living plant images of Caryophyllaceae

Images for each species

This page displays all the living plant images for species of a particular family.

Note that all images are shown, including any that are 'hidden'.

Separate pages exist which display herbarium specimen images only and all images for this family.

Agrostemma githago No living plant images found
Agrostemma gracilis No living plant images found
Arenaria balearica No living plant images found
Arenaria ciliata No living plant images found
Arenaria montana No living plant images found
Arenaria norvegica No living plant images found
Arenaria norvegica subsp. anglica No living plant images found
Arenaria norvegica subsp. norvegica No living plant images found
Arenaria serpyllifolia subsp. leptoclados No living plant images found
Arenaria serpyllifolia subsp. serpyllifolia No living plant images found
Arenaria serpyllifolia No living plant images found
Cerastium alpinum subsp. lanatum No living plant images found
Cerastium alpinum × fontanum = C. × symei No living plant images found
Cerastium alpinum × nigrescens No living plant images found
Cerastium arvense No living plant images found
Cerastium arvense × fontanum = C. × pseudoalpinum No living plant images found
Cerastium arvense × tomentosum No living plant images found
Cerastium brachypetalum No living plant images found
Cerastium cerastoides No living plant images found
Cerastium dichotomum No living plant images found
Cerastium diffusum No living plant images found
Cerastium fontanum subsp. scoticum No living plant images found
Cerastium fontanum subsp. holosteoides No living plant images found
Cerastium fontanum subsp. vulgare No living plant images found
Cerastium fontanum No living plant images found
Cerastium glomeratum No living plant images found
Cerastium ligusticum No living plant images found
Cerastium nigrescens No living plant images found
Cerastium nigrescens × fontanum = C. × richardsonii No living plant images found
Cerastium pumilum No living plant images found
Cerastium scaranii No living plant images found
Cerastium semidecandrum No living plant images found
Cerastium tomentosum No living plant images found
Corrigiola litoralis No living plant images found
Corrigiola telephiifolia No living plant images found
Cucubalus baccifer No living plant images found
Dianthus arenarius No living plant images found
Dianthus armeria No living plant images found
Dianthus barbatus No living plant images found
Dianthus carthusianorum No living plant images found
Dianthus caryophyllus No living plant images found
Dianthus caryophyllus × plumarius No living plant images found
Dianthus deltoides No living plant images found
Dianthus gallicus No living plant images found
Dianthus gratianopolitanus No living plant images found
Dianthus gratianopolitanus × caryophyllus No living plant images found
Dianthus gratianopolitanus × caryophyllus × plumarius No living plant images found
Dianthus gratianopolitanus × plumarius No living plant images found
Dianthus guttatus No living plant images found
Dianthus plumarius No living plant images found
Dianthus sylvestris No living plant images found
Gypsophila acutifolia No living plant images found
Gypsophila elegans No living plant images found
Gypsophila muralis No living plant images found
Gypsophila paniculata No living plant images found
Gypsophila pilosa No living plant images found
Gypsophila repens No living plant images found
Gypsophila scorzonerifolia No living plant images found
Gypsophila viscosa No living plant images found
Herniaria ciliolata subsp. ciliolata No living plant images found
Herniaria ciliolata No living plant images found
Herniaria ciliolata subsp. subciliata No living plant images found
Herniaria glabra No living plant images found
Herniaria hirsuta No living plant images found
Holosteum umbellatum No living plant images found
Honckenya peploides No living plant images found
Illecebrum verticillatum No living plant images found
Lepyrodiclis holosteoides No living plant images found
Lepyrodiclis stellarioides No living plant images found
Loeflingia hispanica No living plant images found
Lychnis alpina No living plant images found
Lychnis chalcedonica No living plant images found
Lychnis coronaria No living plant images found
Lychnis coronata × fulgens = L. × haageana No living plant images found
Lychnis flos-cuculi No living plant images found
Lychnis flos-jovis No living plant images found
Lychnis fulgens No living plant images found
Lychnis viscaria No living plant images found
Minuartia hybrida subsp. tenuifolia No living plant images found
Minuartia laricifolia No living plant images found
Minuartia recurva No living plant images found
Minuartia rubella No living plant images found
Minuartia sedoides No living plant images found
Minuartia stricta No living plant images found
Minuartia verna No living plant images found
Moehringia trinervia No living plant images found
Moenchia erecta No living plant images found
Myosoton aquaticum No living plant images found
Paronychia argentea No living plant images found
Paronychia argyrocoma No living plant images found
Paronychia brasiliana No living plant images found
Paronychia polygonifolia No living plant images found
Petrocoptis pyrenaica No living plant images found
Petrorhagia dubia No living plant images found
Petrorhagia nanteuilii No living plant images found
Petrorhagia prolifera No living plant images found
Petrorhagia saxifraga No living plant images found
Polycarpon tetraphyllum No living plant images found
Sagina apetala No living plant images found
Sagina apetala subsp. erecta No living plant images found
Sagina apetala subsp. apetala No living plant images found
Sagina maritima No living plant images found
Sagina nivalis No living plant images found
Sagina nodosa No living plant images found
Sagina procumbens No living plant images found
Sagina saginoides No living plant images found
Sagina saginoides × procumbens = S. × normaniana No living plant images found
Sagina subulata No living plant images found
Sagina subulata × procumbens = S. × micrantha No living plant images found
Saponaria calabrica No living plant images found
Saponaria glutinosa No living plant images found
Saponaria ocymoides No living plant images found
Saponaria officinalis No living plant images found
Saponaria orientalis No living plant images found
Scleranthus annuus No living plant images found
Scleranthus annuus subsp. polycarpos No living plant images found
Scleranthus annuus subsp. annuus No living plant images found
Scleranthus perennis subsp. prostratus No living plant images found
Scleranthus perennis subsp. perennis No living plant images found
Scleranthus perennis No living plant images found
Silene acaulis No living plant images found
Silene antirrhina No living plant images found
Silene apetala No living plant images found
Silene armeria No living plant images found
Silene behen No living plant images found
Silene bellidifolia No living plant images found
Silene catholica No living plant images found
Silene coeli-rosa No living plant images found
Silene conica No living plant images found
Silene conoidea No living plant images found
Silene cordifolia No living plant images found
Silene cretica No living plant images found
Silene cserei No living plant images found
Silene dichotoma No living plant images found
Silene dioica No living plant images found
Silene fabaria No living plant images found
Silene fimbriata No living plant images found
Silene gallica No living plant images found
Silene holzmannii No living plant images found
Silene inaperta No living plant images found
Silene integripetala No living plant images found
Silene italica No living plant images found
Silene laeta No living plant images found
Silene latifolia No living plant images found
Silene latifolia subsp. latifolia No living plant images found
Silene latifolia subsp. alba No living plant images found
Silene latifolia × dioica = S. × hampeana No living plant images found
Silene lydia No living plant images found
Silene muscipula No living plant images found
Silene noctiflora No living plant images found
Silene nocturna No living plant images found
Silene nutans No living plant images found
Silene otites No living plant images found
Silene pendula No living plant images found
Silene portensis No living plant images found
Silene pseudatocion No living plant images found
Silene pusilla No living plant images found
Silene quadrifida No living plant images found
Silene rubella No living plant images found
Silene schafta No living plant images found
Silene sedoides No living plant images found
Silene stricta No living plant images found
Silene tatarica No living plant images found
Silene tridentata No living plant images found
Silene trinervia No living plant images found
Silene uniflora No living plant images found
Silene vulgaris subsp. angustifolia No living plant images found
Silene vulgaris subsp. macrocarpa No living plant images found
Silene vulgaris subsp. vulgaris No living plant images found
Silene vulgaris subsp. commutata No living plant images found
Silene vulgaris No living plant images found
Silene vulgaris × uniflora No living plant images found
Spergula arvensis No living plant images found
Spergula morisonii No living plant images found
Spergularia bocconei No living plant images found
Spergularia diandra No living plant images found
Spergularia marina No living plant images found
Spergularia media No living plant images found
Spergularia nicaeensis No living plant images found
Spergularia purpurea No living plant images found
Spergularia rubra No living plant images found
Spergularia rupicola No living plant images found
Spergularia rupicola × marina No living plant images found
Stellaria alsine No living plant images found
Stellaria graminea No living plant images found
Stellaria holostea
Stellaria holostea

Photo: Michelle Harvey
Derwent Grange Farm, Co. Durham

Stellaria media No living plant images found
Stellaria neglecta No living plant images found
Stellaria nemorum subsp. montana No living plant images found
Stellaria nemorum subsp. nemorum No living plant images found
Stellaria nemorum No living plant images found
Stellaria pallida No living plant images found
Stellaria palustris No living plant images found
Vaccaria hispanica No living plant images found
Velezia rigida No living plant images found

195 species found

Copyright: Mark Hyde, 2008-24

Hyde, M.A. (2024). UK Flora: Utilities: Living plant images of Caryophyllaceae., retrieved 27 July 2024

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