Site history

30 Sep 2018: Upgraded site launched

29 Sep 2018: Further work on upgrading the site

25 July 2018: As expected, time pressures intervened on my return to Zimbabwe in August 2017 and I never finished the upgrade. A later attempt to do something in February 2018 also failed. I am now trying again, while in the UK.

18, 22, 23, 24 July 2017; 5, 11, 12,17 Aug 2017, 28 Feb 2018: Work underway to upgrade the software to catch up with the Zimbabwe flora software.

4 July 2011: Pair Networks updates its servers. Site transferred to new server. Still hidden from the public.

12 April - 11 May 2011 Visit to England; more records and photos obtained.

25 May 2009: On the list of dates page, a facility has been added so that a user can click on a particular date to view the records made on that date.

27-28 September 2008: Further work. I am aiming to re-launch the site fairly soon, despite its obviously incomplete state, and continue to make regular updates in future.

2-3 August 2008: An active weekend of work on this site and the its form is beginning to take shape. There is still a lot of work to be done, especially on the content side.

27 July 2008: Changes and corrections made to the Recently updated species and Recently updated cultivated species pages. The last image for each species is now displayed rather than the first; these tend to be more close-up images and these look better as thumbnails.

26 July 2008: At this stage, the position regarding this site is as follows. During my visit to Britain, I made a total of about 530 records for about 200 species. Although this is a relatively small number, I can make a start with this and at least show the concepts and how they work. All the records have been captured into the system and the software to display the position using Google Maps is working. Very little work has been done on the taxonomic aspects, as yet.

25 July 2008: Added more detailed information about the content for each family on the List of Families page.

23 June 2008 - 15 July 2008: Visits were made to various places as follows:

20 June 2008 - 19 July 2008: Visiting England - and although primarily a holiday, it is an opportunity to add some records and information to this site.

3 May 2008: Three utilities, which list vernacular names by family, genus and species added.

26-27 April 2008 Further work adapting the Zimbabwe programs for the UK. The main flow of the site works well and needs very little adaptation, but more specific changes, such as being able to handle vice-counties, will be required in future.

18-20 April 2008 Addition of the basic data to the site: families, genera, species and vernacular names. The information was mostly extracted from the downloadable file of British taxa on the BSBI website.

10 April 2008 Further work on creating a working site.

10 February 2008 After years of quiet neglect, some further work on this site, basically aiming to bring it up to the same stage of development as the Zimbabwe site. The aim is to have a vehicle for information when I visit the UK in June/July this year.

7 April 2006 Resuming work again.

12 November 2005: A few minor programming errors corrected.

31 October 2005: Site uploaded to web and all seems to be working well. At this stage the content consists of only one family, one genus and one species!

30 October 2005: Further work on this site, with a view to uploading something in a few days.

27 June 2005: Further work on this site. At this stage only a local development version exists, nothing, apart from a holding page has been uploaded to the web.

22 April 2005: More work on the UK databases.

21 April 2005: A "coming soon" page already up for How's that for quick work!

20 April 2005 Registered the domain through for 3 years for US$21,60. This is a bit of a whimsical purchase, but it costs so little that it really doesn't matter.

9 and 13 April 2005: Some initial work on a UK equivalent of the Zimbabwe flora site.

3-12 April 2005: Visit to UK. Some plant photographs taken from time to time.

Copyright: Mark Hyde, 2008-25

Hyde, M.A. (2025). UK Flora: Site history., retrieved 15 February 2025

Site software last modified: 1 October 2018 7:40pm
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